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"S Uzunović"
Spatio-temporal data visualization for monitoring of control measures in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2020-08)
M. Ponjavić, A. Karabegović, E. Ferhatbegović, E. Tahirović, S. Uzunović, M. Travar, Spatio-temporal data visualization for monitoring of control measures in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina., MEDICINSKI GLASNIK, Vol. 2, No. 17, pp. 265 - 274, Aug, 2020 -
HPLC determination of benzaldehyde in benzyl alcohol containing injectable formulations (2017-10)
A. Uzunović, S. Pilipović, B. Tubić, A. Sapčanin, I. Tahirović, HPLC determination of benzaldehyde in benzyl alcohol containing injectable formulations, Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica – 7th BBBB Edition, pp. 3 - 4, Oct, 2017 -
Dissolution profile of nimesulide from pharmaceutical preparations for oral use (2016)
B. Tubić, A. Uzunović, S. Pilipović, Ž. Gagić, Dissolution profile of nimesulide from pharmaceutical preparations for oral use, ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 193 - 199, 2016 -
Farmakopeja Bosne i Hercegovine - Nacionalni dodatak Evropskoj farmakopeji (2022)
А. Узуновић, А. Борић, I. Kasagić-Vujanović, Б. Гојић, Ј. Бешић-Куртеш, Д. Ковчић, К. Дурић, Л. Семизовић, и остали, Farmakopeja Bosne i Hercegovine - Nacionalni dodatak Evropskoj farmakopeji, AGENCIJA ZA LIJEKOVE I MEDICINSKA SREDSTVA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE, 2022 -
Effect of Proprioceptive training on balance skills among sport dance dancers (2012)
А. Љубојевић, С. Бијелић, М. Загорц, С. Узуновић, К. Пантелић, Л. Радисављевић, Effect of Proprioceptive training on balance skills among sport dance dancers, Facta universitatis, Series: Physical Education and sport, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 257 - 266, 2012 -
The canonical of correlation of coordination and other anthropomotorical abilities of the dancers of the modern dance /disco dance/ (2013)
Д. Стошић, С. Узуновић, Р. Костић, A. LJubojević, Ј. Марковић, The canonical of correlation of coordination and other anthropomotorical abilities of the dancers of the modern dance /disco dance/, XVI Scientific Conference "Fis Communications 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference - Book of Proceedings, pp. 115 - 121, 2013